WTO WORLD RECORD Records has an expert Records Management Team who undertakes research and verification checks to confirm whether the new record title has been accomplished.
If you are submitting an application, it is important that you provide us with as much information as possible, including how, what and when you want to achieve the record.
If your application for a new title is accepted, or if you are applying for an existing title, you will receive your guidelines to attempt the record; it is important that you read these and provide all requested evidence. This is so our team can evaluate all evidence provided and verify whether your attempt has been successful.
For new record ideas please note that Guinness World Records only recognizes WORLD records. We do not verify national / country specific achievements.
All WTO World Records record titles must fulfill key criteria including:
Measurable – Is it the fastest / longest / heaviest / most?
Breakable – Can the record be broken or repeated by someone else? All our record titles must be open to being challenged.
Uniform – Can the record title be done universally? For instance, it can’t be identified with something confined to an area.
Valid – Can the claim be proven? For example, a claim such as ‘the man who never blink the eyes’, can never be verified unless the man spent his whole life from birth under surveillance by a witness.
Universal – The proposal must be something, or about something that is known to the world’s majority. It cannot be too specific / regional.
If your record recommendation is like something we as of now have, we will request that you break the present record instead of supporting a variation of a similar title.
We evaluate every single application that we get – yet many can’t be accepted as a world record.
WORLD TALENT ORGANIZATION is headquartered in New Jersey, USA. You can contact us by writing us at connect@worldtalentorg.com or you can Apply to us by filling a basic form on our website.
If you have something you’d like to share to us, please do share on our official social media platforms or official website.
As global authority, our role is to celebrate the world’s best, to inspire ordinary people and to entertain and inform.
For these reasons, we do not pay record-breakers for their achievements or for carrying out a record title attempt. We are also unable to cover any expenses, offer sponsorship or provide equipment for anyone attempting a record.
Also, we can’t make commitments to people, foundations or organizations. This is to keep up our impartial stance as the world’s record breaking authority and to ensure that we are genuine to all our record applicants.
If you would like to invite an official Judge to attend your record attempt and provide on the spot verification, you may visit ‘INVITE A JUDGE’ page of the website.
Our team will contact you on your registered contact details.
If you want to set a new record or break an existing record or set a new record, and want to view the guidelines, you will need to submit an online application first.
Each application for a new record title is reviewed individually by record management team and if your record has been approved we will provide you guidelines on your registered account with us or by email.
Please note, we cannot respond to postal enquiries.
Yes, depending on the type of record you want to attempt. However, if you are under the age of 13, you will need either a parent or guardian to create an account and submit the application on your behalf.
One complimentary certificate will be posted to free of shipment for Record Holder.
All other certificates (Participants / Organizer / Sponsors etc.) will be given on order and shipment charges will be applied for that.
Please use our forgotten password function to reset your password.
If you have a technical question regarding the World Talent Organization website, then please contact us. Please ensure that you provide us with your registered email address, name, application ID (if applicable) and if possible, screenshots of the issues you are experiencing or write us at connect@worldtalentorg.com .
We constantly welcome any remarks with respect to our distributions. These can be sent to us through the Contact Us segment of the site.