Requirements for proof for record attempts under COVID-19 physical social distancing measures
World Talent Organization is aware that COVID-19 had taken the world by surprise when they were least prepared to face the pandemic and due to this social distancing measures are currently enforced in many regions around the world. With this such hit attempting and breaking records has become tougher.
We have introduced some provisional alterations to our requirements to help existing and fresh applicants to resume to break records at this time, detailed in the table below.
We value for your precious record attempt which may not be possible in public restricted space and therefore we advise applicants to attempt it from home or any private location. Due to social distancing measures it is not feasible to provide with independent witnesses to verify your attempt. Therefore we are happy to announce anybody from your house to independently witness the attempt till the end of pandemic.
Some examples of record attempt for which we implement these measures are given in the table. If the attempt is not included in the list, it could be that it is not feasible to try in a private places or the proof standards for authentication purposes cannot be relaxed. Please visit our guide to record format page if you are uncertain if your attempt falls into one of these categories.